Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Forsythia Diaries, Chapter 2

The second and final chapter. I missed most of the mid-range progress of our bush while we were in North Carolina. And then I accidentally deleted last week's pictures of the bush. Sigh. Oh well! Here is the fully bloomed-out forsythia bush! Spring is just about here. Isn't it beautiful?

Since I'm celebrating spring, I had to add a couple of other pictures, too. This gorgeous flowering tree is a Bradford Pear. It is in the front yard of the neighbor across the street and 3 houses down. I love that tree! The daffodils are around my mailbox. We'll be going to a daffodil field this weekend, as well as to a botanical garden. So anticipate lots of springy pictures next week!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That forsythia is my favorite plant! THanks for sharing ours are not blooming yet.