Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Normalcy...I Think

691. An uneventful weekend. In our house, uneventful means that there were no tantrums. I didn't have to break up any fights. Chores were done without any meltdowns. Everyone went to bed without a fuss. We had two whole days and nights of uneventful!
692. For the renewed strength and energy I had starting this week. It's amazing how refreshing uneventful is...
693. A good (hard) conversation with Snapper this morning, discussing appropriate responses for when her sisters harass her.
694. That Snapper so badly wants Christ to lead her and to help her make good decisions
695. A new level of normal in our home
696. Getting to see one of Snapper's best friends play the role of the Baker in Into the Woods Junior last night. So much fun!
697. The anticipation of our trip to the West Coast this summer to visit friends and family!
698. Sunny's desire to learn how to write her ABCs. Until yesterday, she was not interested at all.
699. Yet again, I thank God for my crock pot. It makes my life SO much easier.
700. This photo of Pepper--one of my favorites ever--which is on this month's calendar page on my wall.

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