Thursday, January 3, 2013

Sick Day

381. My new primary care doctor...I already love her
382. A negative flu test and a negative mono test
383. A second flu test, because the doctor examined me and saw classic flu. The second test was positive for Influenza B.
384. Tamiflu and prescription ibuprofen
385. Orders to totally rest for at least the next 3-5 days. She said no working. No going out. No housework. I'm supposed to totally rest and let my body recover. She said I'm worn down and it is compromising my immune system.
386. A comfortable couch
387. Our vibrating neck works really well on knotted leg muscles, too.
388. Snapper's Christmas gift books. I did some fun reading today.
389. The fun of starting to plan for Piper's 7th birthday party!
390. Hours of crafting inspiration, courtesy of Pinterest

1 comment:

Stef said...

praying you get well soon!!