Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Halfway to 1000!

501. The gift of a little girl home from school with tummy trouble. A gift because the tummy trouble passed quickly, and we were able to have some concentrated time together.
502. God's crystal clear direction in a decision I have been toying with for months
503. The spectacular, beautiful, mature, wise, selfless heart of my 10-year-old Snapper. She is an instrument in God's hands, showing me where I lack faith and pointing me in the right direction.
504. The incredible privilege of being a mother
505. A Facebook chat with a missionary friend in Peru
506. The intoxicating fragrance that fills my house at this time of year because the orange grove across the street is beginning to bloom
507. An afternoon of laughter from the bathroom as my four younger kids beautified each other with Piper's new hair chalk
508. Reviewing sight word flashcards with Bubbles...and finding that she knew 200 words in 7 minutes!!! When we last reviewed them the second week of December, the 200 words too 9 minutes!
509. My 6-year-old Pepper, completely absorbed in and cruising through a 400-page book with a 6th grade reading level!!!
510. Being able to zip up shorts in a size that I haven't been able to wear since before I had Snapper. Last time I could fit into this size was...December of 2001!!!

1 comment:

Tara said...

I love reading your blessings! We should all do a list like yours because we would learn to see the blessings in even the 'little' things. So glad things are headed in the right direction with all of your kids.