Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas Decorating Thankful

71. My dad's godmother, Jeanette, who gave me a beautiful ornament for Christmas every year of my childhood.
72. The nativity my grandparents brought to me from Portugal when I was 6
73. My Willow Tree nativity, given to me by my whole extended family 4 years ago
74. My Jimmie Johnson Christmas tree. I've been collecting #48 ornaments for 6 years and the little tree is looking better.
75. For Hashbrown casserole, a family tradition for decorating dinner for the last 12 years
76. The pine trees by our lake, which furnished the pinecones for my front door decorations

77. A fresh Christmas tree this year instead of artificial
78. A 6-hour playlist of Christmas music favorites--old favorites (Evie and Steve Green) and new favorites (Jennifer Paige)
79. Seven stockings to hang instead of four
80. New LED lights for our roof (I think they are hideous, but as Matt says, we're not the ones looking at the outside of our house, and they'll save us $300 over the months of November and December)
81. My Christmas dishes, a gift from Matt three years ago
82. My mom's Christmas runner that graced my childhood table for many years
83. Ornaments with Bubbles', Piper's and Sunny's real names on them. The store even had the correct spellings, which I wasn't expecting.
84. The wonder and delight as the three girls hung their own ornaments on the Christmas tree
85. Cinnamon candles
86. The olive wood camels that my grandparents purchased in Bethlehem. The camels were in Granny's living room for all my childhood Christmases. Now they are marching proudly across my bookcase in the living room.
87. Silver ball ornaments, on sale at JoAnn's, adding the sparkle my tree has been lacking for the last several years
88. 24 Christmas books, wrapped and waiting under the tree. We'll open and read one each night, starting December 1.
89. The advent calendar I made last year. Each day contains a fun, family activity. Some are simple (drink hot chocolate before bed); some are elaborate (make Christmas treats to deliver to the neighbors). 
90. The peace and joy that well up within me during this season. My heart is well-basted in thanks to the Lord for who He is and what He has done for me. I'm prepared to go all out in our celebration of His birth for this next month.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You have truly helped the joy of the season spark a little more in my heart :) thank you!! Lovely post. I bet having all those little ones really helps you to get excited about this amazing life giving season.