Sunday, July 27, 2008

A-Camping We Shall Go

Tomorrow morning our family is embarking on a great adventure--we're going to church camp with the 3rd-6th graders from our church. Matt is packing his suitcase with everything he will need to be the boys' counselor in a cabin full of stinky, little boys. Lucky Matt! The kids and I will be staying in a family cabin. Ours will have air conditioning! Lucky us! Snapper keeps flipping out with excitement (in true Snapper style), even though she hasn't a clue in the world what goes on at camp. Pepper could care less. He's too little to know. So we are off, very much looking forward to the time we get to hang out with the seriously awesome kids from our church. We are looking forward to swimming, playing games, singing, Bible study, and just chillin'. So adios friends, I'll be back to the world of blogging next weekend.


Ross and Taya said...

Have a wonderful time! By the way, we had fun reading your story today in the paper. Great story! =)

My name is Stacie... said...

Thanks for going with my girl! 'Preciate ya! Love, Stacie