Monday, March 5, 2012

Meet Danny!

Last summer I built Danny for the puppet video blog that is one of our main projects in our ministry with Discover God 4Kids. We experimented with video and editing throughout the fall. We built a set in our garage. We have finally figured it out, and Danny's video blog has launched and is in full swing. This is SO COOL because it takes my gifting and Matt's gifting and combines them in a way that is really exciting and has the potential to impact thousands of kids! Danny's puppet blog is a fun, innovative way to teach kids who God is, and how He matters in everyday life. We are posting one new video blog each week. This week's post is my favorite because Matt has mastered the use of sound effects, and it includes some of my silly artwork. So grab your kids (or your hubby, or just you) and enjoy a laugh.

Click HERE to check out Danny' video blog from this week: It's Just Not Fair!


Stef said...

this is SO cool!! I can't wait to show my kids :)

Tara said...

Loved it! Gonna try to remember to show Andrew. Y'all are very talented and make a great team!