Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fall Is Here!!!

Today is the official first day of fall, which means it is the official first day of my favorite part of the year! If I didn't have a lovely fall cold, I would be jumping up and down with excitement. I think last year I posted a list of my favorite things about fall. Because today demands some sort of celebration, I think I'll post a new list of fall favorites, just for fun.

My Top Ten Favorite Things about Fall

10. Fall decor. As I drive around town, I'm starting to see fall decorations popping up in people's yards. Hobby Lobby has a great selection of cute scarecrows right now, too! It is time to pull out my fall wreath for my front door! This year a cheated a bit and started burning my cinnamon candles a few weeks early. Ummmm!

9. Cool mornings. Okay, so we're not there quite yet. But in a few weeks, the weather will turn cool enough so that the air is crisp when I leave to take Snapper to school. Love that!

8. Jeans and hoodies. A good pair of jeans and a fleece hoody is my attire of choice. I love that I can comfortably wear it now!

7. Early kiddo bedtimes. Because we have to be up at 6 to get ready for school, Snapper and Pepper are tucked into bed by 7:15 every night. I am thoroughly enjoying the quiet time with Matt in the evenings after kids are asleep.

6. The end of Daylight Savings Time. Yes, I really do love the dark starting earlier! Somehow it makes everything feel cozier. On the flip side, I am always ready for Daylight Savings to start again in the spring.

5. Outdoor activities. It gets too hot here in the summer to do much outside. Fall provides us great weather for taking walks, riding bikes, and just playing in the yard.

4. Casseroles and soups. I'm a comfort food kind of girl. Since I don't cook soup in the summer, adding it back into my meal plan will be a welcome change.

3. Fall colors. Central Arkansas can have gorgeous fall foliage if the weather is right for it. It has been a wet, cool summer, so we should have some fantastic color this year! I can hardly wait!

2. Fall family traditions. Pumpkin patch, harvest dinner with friends, taking pictures of the kids in the fall leaves, Trunk or Treat at church, Thanksgiving, and getting ready for Christmas are all on my to-do list for the next 3 months! I look forward to these events all year.

1. My number 1 favorite thing about fall is the predictability of our schedule. I am happiest when life runs in a well-ordered routine. My weekly calendar doesn't vary much over the next 10 weeks, and I like it like that!

How about you? What do you most look forward to at this time of year?


Unknown said...

DITTO!!!!!!! I do have to add to those lovely things: carmel apples, a tradition at our Church called First fire, Baking, and our harvest festival. I'm so there with you girl, this is my FAVORITE season of ALL! you've inspired me to write my list on my blog! thanks girl!

Tara said...

Everything would be on my list minus 1, 6 & 7. Happy Fall!

About Southern Belle said...

Great list! We enjoy many of the same things, Fall is my favorite time of the year too and I love cool weather. Quite honestly I could skip summer and never miss it. = )

Lana said...

Girly...I'd move to AR in a New York minute!

I fell in love with the colors last year...we went to the diamond digging park. The cool air just makes me breathe easier.

Oh...if only my hubby could get a job transfer....wishful thinking.

Blessings to you,

Jennifer at Shoreline Journeys said...

That is a great list. I can't agree on the Daylight savings time though, I love the long summer nights. Happy Fall!

Karon said...

I am reminded once again, my sweet BFF, how very much we have in common! Can't wait to do a lot of this with you!!! Love ya!