Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Today I went out to spray to beautious garden for bugs. Before you judge me for not going organic here, remember that I live in Central Florida, the bug capital of the United States. I would like to eat some watermelon this summer, which will not happen if bugs continue to eat the watermelon plants! Anyhoo, while I was spraying, I looked under the umbrella leaves of my squash plants and there are TONS of little, yellow squashies growing! I checked the zucchini and there are a few. I checked the cucumbers, and HOLY COW...there are probably 100 baby pickle cukes there! Guess what I am going to be doing next week? Yup, I am going to teach myself how to make pickles! It looks like there's going to be a bumper crop of honeydew melons. The vines have left the garden plot and are snaking across the lawn. The beans and peas popped out of the ground overnight. The tomato plants are almost up to my hip now. The corn has tassels peeking out the top. The lettuce and collards will be ready to eat in just a few days! I started another round of lettuce in seed trays on Friday, as well as a fresh round of spinach to replace the plants the cat dug up. I am just so thrilled with my garden! I have never had success keeping any sort of plants alive, but this garden is just thriving. The kids go out and exclaim over it every day. We can't wait to enjoy the fruits of our labor!

Here's a photo of the garden taken on April 10th.

Here's a photo of the garden taken April 21st (taken with my phone)...just 11 days later. WOW!

1 comment:

Tara said...

From the looks of it, you are going to be able to supply all of central FL with fresh veggies! I grew up spending summers in gardens and I couldn't stand it because it was HOT and forced on me. Although I would love to have fresh veggies from my own garden, I think I was too traumatized back in the day to have one of my own.