Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Happy Thanksgiving! It promises to be a beautiful day here in Florida. Our previous Thanksgivings here have been on the warm side, making it difficult to feel like Thanksgiving. Not this year! It is 52 degrees and sunny. We're spending the day with our dearest friends here, Curt and Tracie. The food and company will be fabulous! I am so blessed, and I have so much for which to be thankful!

41. Hot coffee
42. My warm, gray robe
43. Fuzzy socks
44. Miss Bubbles scratching Daddy's back on the couch this morning
45. Sunny going peacefully to bed last night without a fight. We've been in nap time and bedtime battle mode for the last week, so this is a really big deal.
46. Snuggles in bed with Sunny this morning
47. Hearing these words from her for the first time, also a really big deal: "I'm thankful for you, Momma, and I am ready to become part of this family."
48. Our wonderful friends Curt and Tracie, who are such a special part of our lives.
49. Friends--Curt and Tracie and several more--who are our family here
50. Our church family
51. Christmas music coming on in our house in 12 hours!
52. Indoor plumbing (especially in the middle of the night)
53. Facebook, which helps keep me connected with my friends and family all across the country
54. Pre-made gluten free pie crust, which is saving me quite a bit of time and effort
55. Our annual passes to SeaWorld
56. The anticipation of decorating for Christmas, starting tomorrow
57. My new nephew, Roman. I wish he didn't live 3000 miles away because I'm dying to hold him!
58. My computer
59. The love of my extended family which reaches me all the way from California, Oregon and Washington
60. The rich memories of Thanksgivings past. They are punctuated with love and tradition.

Happy Thanksgiving, all!

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