Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Little Whine and Cheese

It is a beautiful Sunday morning. The kids slept for 13 hours last night, which I'm hoping will help Mr. Pepper recover more quickly. He puked on Wednesday, and has had a fever ever since. He's still funtioning pretty well, so I'm not worried. It's a fever virus, I'm sure. I'll take him to the doctor tomorrow if he still has a fever.

It seems like I've missed more church in the last 3 months than I have in the last 3 years. Between traveling and illness, I've not spent very many Sundays at church. It makes me sad. I soak up those weekly times of worship, of hearing a fresh batch of truth, and of time with the "family" we have here in Arkansas. Our church is our family. I have never met a more loving, caring, and generous group of believers in my life! They totally step in a fill the gap, and I love them.

I suppose I should be thankful I get to go to church at all. Thankful for usually healthy kids. Thankful that Pepper's illness is not serious. Really, I am thankful. But every now and then, a girl just needs to whine...even if just for a minute. That brings me to the quote of the week, courtesy of Mr. Pepper:

"But Mommy, I just WANT to whine!"

Okay, I'm done.

Now for the cheese. Cheese, especially cheddar, is my favorite food. Therefore, the word "cheese" in this blog does not mean cheesy, in the traditional sense of the word cheesy. Instead, "cheese" means: yummy, tasty, delicious. My son is yummy, tasty, and delicious. He's so cute I could eat him up. Here's his "cheese" moment for today.

On Friday, Matt sliced open his thumb with a steak knife. It's a really ugly cut, but not quite bad enough to require stitches. He is keeping it carefully protected with a large bandaid. This morning, Pepper cut his finger. It's not a bad cut--just bad enough to require a bandaid. Matt and Snapper had already left for church at this point. But Pepper was so proud of his Dora the Explorer bandaid, that he ran to the front window, stuck his little hand through the blinds and yelled in his biggest Pepper voice (which is pretty big), "Daaaaaaa-Deeeeee! I have a bandaid TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

How cute is that? Cheese, I think!


The Yorks said...

Hahahahaha! That's so cute!

Lori said...

I'm jealous of all the sleep your kids got last night. Mine acted like newborns and I was up about 5 times, which is very atypical! Enjoy your day and keep those boys away from sharp objects! ;)